About Michigan Climate Smart Farms
Project overview
The Michigan Climate Smart Farm Project (MCSFP) is coordinated by Washtenaw County Conservation District with funding from the USDA's Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities grant program.
The goal is to develop a climate smart farm verification (CSFV) program for the state, based on the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP). This initial 5 year (2023-2028) effort is intended to assist small-scale, multi-crop farms specializing in direct-to-consumer fruit and vegetable production in Washtenaw, Monroe, Wayne, and Lenawee Counties with implementing climate smart practices. This pilot project in southeastern Michigan will inform the development of a statewide program in future years that supports all types of farm production systems.
Farmers interested in participating in the CSFV pilot will be eligible for cost-share payments for climate-smart agriculture and forestry practices implemented with the goal of attaining CSFV. Verified farms will be able to utilize the newly developed CSF branding package and logo in order to market their commodities as Climate Smart Farm Verified.
A final report on the CSFV system and findings will be presented to the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) with the goal of becoming part of the MAEAP program or a stand-alone program.
Project timeline
• Hire MCSFP Specialist
• Establish advisory committees (Discovery, Marketing, Cost-Share)
• Identify 12 farming systems for evaluation
• Collect baseline data and create standards for greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration potential for each system
• Develop standards for Climate Smart Farm verification (CSFV)
• Develop brand and marketing for Climate Smart Farm products
• Recruit farmers into 3 year pilot CSFV program, review applications for cost share
• Hire and train 2 CSF conservation technicians
• Execute program developed in Phase 1 and refine continuously
• Compile results from Phase 1 & 2
• Deliver findings and recommendations to MDARD and MAEAP Steering Committee
Which conservation practices are supported by this program?
These conservation practises align with USDA NRCS Standard Practices.
Alley Cropping
Combustion System Improvement
Composting Facility
Conservation Cover
Conservation Crop Rotation
Contour Buffer Strips
Contour Farming
Contour Orchard and Other Perennial Crops
Cover Crop
Energy Efficient Agricultural Operation
Feed Management
Field Border
Field Operations Emissions Reduction
Filter Strip
Forest Farming
Forest Stand Improvement
Hedgerow Planting
Herbaceous Weed Treatment
Herbaceous Wind Barriers
Irrigation System, Micro irrigation
Nutrient Management
Pasture and Hay Planting
Prescribed Grazing
Residue and Tillage Management, No Till
Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced Till
Riparian Forest Buffer
Riparian Herbaceous Cover
Soil Carbon Amendment
Tree/Shrub Establishment
Tree/Shrub Site Preparation
Upland Wildlife Habitat Management
Vegetative Barrier
Water Well
Watering Facility
Wetland Enhancement
Wetland Restoration
Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment and Renovation
Woody Residue Treatment